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Back to the Garden
Easton Town Center
February 7 - ????

The name has been changed to protect the innocent…sort of. And there will be a slightly different cast. But beyond that the critically acclaimed, Back to the Garden returns to Shadowbox for a second run. The performances will continue for as long as there remains audience interest. If you have not seen Shadowbox’s most successful musical now is the time…or as in my case…see it again. Click here to read my original review from last fall.
R.B. - editor

Easton Town Center
Columbus, Ohio

by Rick Brown

Click Here for Review

Criss Cross

by Dennis Toth

Withering Christ
Criss cross
Passion imprecise
Hushed confessions
Dim lit rooms
Like a phone booth
Minus loose change
No dimes for sin
No dimes for the sinner
Like a toll booth
Stuck somewhere
Near the gates of Hell
Last hopes near fading
By a rose colored window
Passion imprecise
Like an altar mislaid
Stripped for sacrifice
Withering Christ
Criss Cross
No final words
Just a relic
Packed in ice
While the prayer
Grows exhausted
From the prayer
Like a candle
Near extinction
Sweat vapors
Make fading trails
Amen to night
A final toll
Yet coming
Criss cross
Passion imprecise.

Swept City
Jessy Kendall

Tree on the Hill
Morris Jackson

Temple of the Moon
C. Mehrl Bennett

C Mehrl Bennett's first book of text poetry is now available at

by Sue Lense

Click Here

by Rick Brown

Hmmm #3

If dogs could talk
they’d go on and on
about being hungry.
People might say
“His griping is worse
than his bite.”


Hmmm #4

If babies could speak
they’d bore us all
with what’s obvious.
And odds are good
it wouldn’t be cute


Hmmm #5

Moving to the extreme
meatless menu,
many in the movement
call their members
“the gentle vegans”.
Yet to my memory
this is merely dairy free
euphemism for
“masters of the passive/aggressive”.


Hmmm #6

Romance =
divided by

The Non–Fiction Theater of the Truly Mundane
proudly presents:

Eye Poke

by Rick Brown

Scene: an eye doctor’s office circa 1960. The waiting room is an industrial green in color with a drab gray counter. A receptionist sits behind the counter. Steel framed chairs with black vinyl cushions line the walls. Smatterings of people sit randomly around the room reading old magazines. A 9-year-old

Ricky is seated fidgeting, next to his father, who is affectionately known to Ricky’s cousins as “Snook”. Ricky is obviously rambunctious.

Ricky (whispering just a little too loudly) – Daddy?

His father leans down towards his son.

Snook – yes?

Ricky (in the same inappropriate whisper) Sometimes my wiener sticks up!

His father seems visibly taken aback, somewhat embarrassed, at a loss for words.

Snook (in an authoritative tone also a bit too loud and inappropriate) – Well…just LEAVE IT ALONE AND IT WILL BE OKAY!


Receptionist – herself
Patients – themselves
Ricky – Ricky
Snook – Snook
Wiener- uh…you know.




© 2001-2010 NakedSunfish, All Rights Reserved

Issue 1 - January 2002