Rick Brown - Editor

Welcome to NAKED SUNFISH. If you're wondering about the name … and I'm sure you are … I'll try to come up with a clever explanation. Just don't count on one. Naked Sunfish was originally an idea for a musical/art group a buddy of mine and I planned to form way back in high school. Initially it was to be a sort of Christian psychedelic pop/rock/folk band … a myriad of contradictions if you will. The celebration of opposite polarities. Intensive diversity that so blurred the lines … so elevated the gray areas … that the audience would forget we were constantly trying to contradict ourselves and see only a new vision floating like a cloud above the fracas. (kind of like Las Vegas) Unfortunately … through circumstances TOTALLY under our control … our intellectual experiment de-evolved into a goofy solitary gig as "Harry Legs and the Little Shavers". Fun for us. Confusing for others. (which … in some bent way could be argued a successful fruition of the premise) We spent WAY too much time playing 8-ball in my friend's basement rather than practicing. (yet another argument for philosophical success?)

There ARE ulterior motives. Perhaps some one surfing the web using the term "naked" might just come upon the SUNFISH. And if you know anything about sailing you will remember that a Sunfish is a very, very tiny sailboat. My wife and I ventured out on one many years ago off the Jamaican coast and … because of my highly polished skills … almost took us to Cuba. We were not naked when the wind caught the sail but could easily have been upon our arrival. I felt as if we were being swept away by Hurricane Whoever. The wind in my hair. The sight of a rapidly shrinking Jamaica. Once I realized my significant other was frantically screaming, "LET GO FOOL! LET GO!!"… and I did … we slowed to a comforting drift. It took us 10 minutes to travel what seemed half way to Havana and almost an hour to zigzag back to Jamaica. That's as close to buying Cuban cigars legally as I've gotten. And I haven't tried to sail a tiny boat since.

So … in the spirit of NAKED SUNFISH … both the adolescent philosophical stab at intellectual / deconstructive / existentialist mayhem AND the terrifying exhilaration of possibly screaming across the Atlantic in a tiny sailboat quite possibly beaching NAKED on the shores of the Land Of Fidel … with some help from my friends … is yet another web site (like we all need one huh?) There will be music. There will be politics. There will be art. There will be food and drink. There will be nonsense. There will be most definitely sarcasm. There will be NO rules. NO deadlines. NO consistency. NO traditions. ("…the illusion of permanence," as Woody Allen so aptly put it) Enjoy the ride whilst you can. Because some day … sooner or later … I'll be sure to hear some one screaming at the top of their lungs, "LET GO FOOL! LET GO!!!" And I probably will.