Scene Between Lovers


Fade in.

We approach green bandana
flopped over a developing forehead,
editing in a dirty brunette forest,
reaching down to a broken lens.

                                      Pull back
to reveal THE GIRL, 28, another
character actress with pale skin
and a salty tear, covertly passing
from frame one to frame five.

                                Girl’s P.O.V.:
Black boots with ragged laces,
lead harshly to cargo pants with
maybe four, five, six pockets.
And we find a button-down shirt,
and a neck,
and THE BOY, 26.

                        Establishing shot
of back alley,
where boy stands at dumpster,
while girl cries, sits on box.
                                           Cut to:
INT. Girl’s brain, where memories
(black and white photographs)
swirl as dark cyclones
(cue sound: breaking needles)
and wrap themselves around
clusters of gray matter.

                                    Zoom out:
EXT. The alley, and the boy
with his light brown hair
and his outstretched finger
that shakes just a little, close up,
before falling into pocket three.