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    in Spanish
by John M. Bennett


     by Jon Cone

El Jugo

blastonómico y el cam
bio fluyente o frag
mento de tu peldaño t
u .pelo dañado o es
puma .lo que frío
,jumo y graza


Jugs (El Jugo)

Blasted by comics
and camera.
By fragments of your
pellucid ‘self.’
By your puma
who is cold
jumpy and grazing.






chor y rizo ,pluvi oso
lo que oso ,lumapanfleto
,cristal ,sogamorta, mi
Lapis y péndulo .o pend
ulápis porque pago
)y pago( y el aire ríe
.ríe ,mugre y lo tiendo



Chores that rise. Plus
visions low key.
Slumped and fleeting.
Like crystal, a mortal
sojourn. My lap
a pendulum.

O pendulum
because pig-like.
And air rises, it rises
and is tired.






seco ,sicante ,saga o ni
flecha tormentante ,chulo
bes ,o carnada y un hilo
formindable .hormigas
.sotanando o .tunamaros
en los durmientes baj
o grava .la tumba ,te
tome) fundando che(



Seek what cannot be. O saga
in flesh tormented. Chew lobes.
O carnival and formidable
highs. Performers
outstanding. O fish
marrows in lost dour minutes
of grave bathtubs
and tombs. Your book
which I found
on the dock.






pe gata
pe loba
pe lumbre
pe lap



By gates.
By lobes.
By lumber.
By pale.






cor taza
cue ndo
cue rta
cor tenido



For tea.
A cued node.
A cued tar.
For ten nodes.





lo f

fonar la
fibrar la
fondar la


To Effie

Phone her, there!
Fib to her, there!
Find her, there!






m ortal y
la pu erta
por tal tu
er es ,lla
ma da



Mortal and
so pretty.
Poor talent
talk to her.
Is her camel






tos tar ta
mudo o Mu
de mientes


O White Libel

Too tart is
the tame world!
O Murderess
of Minutes!






ni mata



Of the world.
Neither mother
nor number.






.comer tu calavera y
.noeticostra ,fundo
.chapa del lago a
lalo .formigón y
bisturicón y .playa
de la suma soma
,tus piedras broncas


Dented Penny

Come to Calvary.
Our noted funds.
Come to the Chapel
of the Lagoon
at low tide. Form is
gone, busted iron.
Play in the sun.
In sum. Your
broken feet.






puesto que lides ,pornadóctilo
,el humo de mi caralacta .ful
minoldo lo que como mi cama
.fuiste tundente ,bituminoclo
fuiste .y los dientes brillo sos



Push to the lids. Pornographic
humor my cartographic fill.
Minute elder who hears my
song. First tune toothless. By
minute older. By teeth
scrubbed clean SOS.






fo nar
` la bo ca
bl anca


Have Blanks

Of near
lakes to go.
The bobcat
is white.






este onda
ost eo na
ast illac
ist humos
ust empo



It is one day
east of here.
[For a]
fast lilac.
Human is
the tempo.






ch anó
ch angó
ch upá
ch orar



One year. Pshaw.
One angel. Pshaw.
One apple. Pshaw.
To roar. Pshaw.






mu do me ai
re pie nso
mie do tu na
riz indeble
sa co tend ido


Saint Bull

More for me all.
Regarding pines.
My tuna done.
Rice inedible.
Sacs of tender






bru ma fue
go ,ma nta
lue go la
bio ni ego



Broom is fuel.
Go, man. To
light go there.
By no ego.






changante cepillado y la nieve lubricada
tumbante deprimido y la sopa arenosa
falicante chimborado y la trucha muerta
espumante sicarioso y la clave llamada
fondamante esponjado y la ola secada
lumbranante estrujado y la cola entrada
morfoante despertado y la cama entrañada



Against change. My pills in lubricated snow.
Against tumblers. My first my soup arenas. Against false board chimes. My trenchant death.
Against spume sickness. My illuminated cave.
Against fundamental sponges. My hello saccade.
Against lumber distrust. My entrance colas.
Against more for desperate. My entrance camels.






chapa o chu
pa nor
ama nte



Chap or chew.
Father nor
Mama. Claustrophobic
telephone of night.






tula pa
ra tole




Tulip father.
Rat hello.

Cloacal, run.






bab y oso bon da losa
clamada o )almeja(
zucarada tóseme
.fúntil no )o nu (t
ritivo como camisa y



Baby so good to lose.
Claim a day. O alms aye!
Zoo cures aid to seam.
Fun till none. O nut!
Right Tivo come. Came.
Say fun. Go.






escárbalo fenestre ,tumba de con
“ejo” bandera de llamas ,llamada
.fl ojo o lo in vistible y que mando
lo que des aparece es la tinta
recta .lo fulmonosonante …



I escape out the window, tumble
upon an ‘ego’ band of lamas, a
flowing egg invisible which makes
do [more or less] like an appearance
of rectal tin filled [to capacity]
with monster saints.






ectaplásmica tu

endoblo es



Your ectoplasmic

ennobles us.






tin to
flang o



Tint of
flange. O






te comiste la cagaracha bullona
te lamiste el condadafón instigado
te fumiste la locuronda inmantada
te semillaste la hondonada inmaculada
te pillaste el zapatacante comilón
te perdiste la tumabafuma idiotizada


Idol Zeal

The communist enraged the bull-horn.
The psalmist instigated the triathlon.
The smoker maintained the round-house.
The seminarian cleaned the small car.
The pharmacist mortared the zap-cant.
The foot-soldier made an idiot out of






bola de
mola san

ni débil ni fuete



That vine mull
in the bowl. That mole
outside granite.

Neither debt nor fort.






bisturí an da mante ia
sóndame ni ,churro mo
jada o )cacada( sue ño
nuro lacanda lacan dón
de fuiste leboroso



Blistering the main
with no mother. No. Cheers
for my judo. O Canadian sue no
neural lake for clan
donned in fist leprosy.






flegsible pues corazo
nada mis pan “talones”
miseriosos los comía
, gr asa y futboleros
,nómina de ,mondar


Flexible pores that course.
No misery. Pain. From talons.
The miserablists are a-comin.
Across the grass like
star football players.
Big names.
On Monday.






fundar ,fumar ,hundir
,hombrar ,dentrar ,don
aire y la ventana est
rella .si lucre fueses
si. tentarón y tumba
,trombótico y tunelito



Fun dear. Smoke dear. Hung to dry,
man. Dented ray, Don. Air and
vents are real. If sugar fuses.
If tent irons and tubas
and trombone melodies.






fustig ante ni la forma de
mi calmático mi soga azu
carada siembra calcetines
en mi frente .todavía .o la
nunca de mi nuca ,que flo
ta ,que sis tema garg
antal y sendas tuerzas
.me veo en la puerta sorda



Fusty against the form of
my calamity my blue saga.
Afternoons calcified like
membranes in my front.
Today. O annunciation!
For my floating birth,
that teems gargantuan
and sends huzzahs
I study by [the light of]
poor sodas.





Fin ,Por

tomo lo que duermo lo que
blindo lo que lamo lo que
sangro lo que somo lo que
tiendo lo que duplo lo que
sudo lo que tifo lo que
llego lo que dado lo que
endo lo que mático lo que


Poor End

I took what I slept what I
armor-plated what I lamed
what I bled what I tied
what I doubled what I saved
what I sickened what I stole
what I gave what I finished
what I gave where I






endamático tu fono fuiste
segregar ,lo tumbalón ,lo
fingido lo ,bestia ,dent
rar y )lupa exhalada(



End mate your phone fist.
Segregate low. Tumbledown low.
Finger-id low. Bestial, tooth-
rare and loop-exhaled.






senda matón ,pulu
ante y )comido( tre
sente )pulmónico( mon
dar la piedra abri r
la bocana la risueña
sedante de tus ori
nas lapiceras


Little Trip Sicko

Sent matins. On pulled
ants and comedian tree-
sense pulmonary. My
dear lap-eye drab-rear
the bow-can the rise of one
sedative for your two
nasal ass-Pisces.





Hoyo Flaco

puesto de mi nabo de tu na
dando andamata ni los
pelos de la sierra no cer
ada .cútico ,limborazo y
lo me barataza desbordante
,es mi intestino ex mi cie
lo chamuscado mi trip le
no más nada ,ni agujero


Hey You, Flake

Push the navy of my tuna
dandy adamantine in less
slope of the sierra. Sire not
ads. Cute limber-laze and
low battered. Disembodied
is my intestine. An ex-mice
low chamois-cascade.
My trip no more nothing
no more water-jury.





Hora Mojada

desaguada )danzón( tu colmo
suda ,mustial y cronogranítico
.sorna y mi sarnóstrom pululacta
)ventanal( mi casagua fornida
,templo de mi tiemponencia ,loq
ue temblequente es es limo
es naca es lomesmo e intempo


Major Whore Day

Disguised dancer. Your stripper pole
suds a-mystical as time-granite.
Sore as my sore nostrum that pullulates
ventrally my strong water-house.
I temple my time-phoenix
lock [the] tumble-quaint is. Is I drive.
Is naked. Is lonesome and on time.


Copyright 2009 - John Bennett
John Bennett, Ph.D - is the Curator of The Ohio State University Libraries Avant Writing Collection, Rare Books & Manuscripts Library