spray shadow gnul hammer focus fo ry gnitoohs tea stroke
,hcnyl brick stubbled ekalf groaned dniheb eht dooftac wall
o’ moons thumbs pork socks epirt dalas sprayed against
the sucof aet eht kcirb sbmuht throat krop brayed the snoom
behind the pirt llaw eht ekorts stroke the wall trip eht
dniheb moons eht deyarb pork taorht thumbs brick the tea
focus eht tsniaga deyarps salad tripe skcos krop sbmuht
snoom ‘o llaw catfood the behind denaorg flake delbbuts
kcirb lynch, ekorts aet shooting yr of sucof remmah lung
wodahs yarps
hsag hsub ,lake spoon colored stink each doolf moor dehctob
gnibmob drifts to “east” elgnuj epan uoy clash
a spell crawling eht no nosirp roolf lake knits flood jungle
yr nape hsalc sdeelb ha bush spoon rinses !maerts hculm
,gnilwarc after-heel yr cushion stream sehsug gushes maerts
noihsuc ry leeh-retfa crawling, mulch stream! sesnir noops
hsub ah bleeds clash epan ry elgnuj doolf stink ekal floor
prison on the gnilwarc lleps a hsalc you nape jungle “tsae”
ot stfird bombing botched room flood hcae knits deroloc
noops ekal, bush gash
mih rednal sknird gun milk or “lunch” nug craving
rof eht tlas bring wheedled milk salt arf gnivarc “room”
double ,gnirb eht deldeehw fra smoke ,business soot ,elbuod
drinks enihs ry nug evah a ekoms .lobster throne ,bubbled
pants ,smoke a deidoolb gur .“spot” tops. rug
bloodied a ekoms stnap belbbub, enorht retsbol. smoke a
have gun yr shine sknird double, toos ssenisub, ekoms arf
wheedled the bring, elbuod “moor” craving fra
tlas klim deldeehw gnirb salt the for gnivarc gun “hcnul”
ro klim nug drinks lander him
dung business dung breast flopper epahs ‘o noops morning
shape tsaerb flopping cheek meat stibbar ni ry eenk a pond
bent ym yrd tnew gnimaerts loom mool dnop checked meat rabbits
yr feet stink behind the riahc dnop epahs broil yr cheek
fillet a business shoveling gnillevohs ssenisub a tellif
keehc ry liorb shape pond chair eht dniheb knits teef ry
stibbar taem dekcehc pond loom mool streaming went dry my
tneb dnop a knee yr in rabbits taem keehc gnippolf breast
epahs gninrom spoon o’ shape reppolf tsaerb gnud ssenisub
nombre nombre nombrE sunk ni but epol stayed ‘n sprayed
ry tellaw dnas ry llems draped across the bed a gurhs ecnad
gnippots .erbmoh lope erbmoh erbmoh deyarps sand fellow
followed bed tub ombra arbmos sombra stopping forehead on
the lever hsac deppals .lever rebmun ,pants gapped deppag
stnap, number revel. slapped cash revel eht no daeherof
gnippots arbmos sombra arbmo but deb dewollof wollef dnas
sprayed hombre hombre epol hombre. stopping dance shrug
a bed eht ssorca depard smell yr sand wallet yr deyarps
‘n deyats lope tub in knus Erbmon erbmon erbmon
smell focus off ry spees tellub hcuoc yr bomb toilet sucof
seeps yr ecaf llems os bullet nap an pencil coughing dumpster
nekcihc kcas gulp loose towels or a licnep trots yr spees
llems shoulder thrumming in my rea r ant at sack of dust
turds sdrut tsud fo kcas ta tna r aer ym ni gnimmurht redluohs
smell seeps ry stort pencil a ro slewot esool plug sack
chicken retspmud gnihguoc licnep na pan tellub so smell
face ry seeps focus teliot bmob ry couch bullet seeps yr
ffo sucof llems
peep jerk ,clung s’tibbar breath scorn sugar gnippots
eussi for yr pencil lake yr krej breath lung ,ragus issue
stopping no eht ekal lung massif broom booth ecalp formaldehyde
ruoy gnimaeb tfel ,moorb massif plaque dust ,shaking in
your plaque truss ,seeb gninnur ,epon psar meter tsud place
,gift ssurt you running rasp your gnikahs shaking ruoy psar
gninnur uoy truss tfig, ecalp dust retem rasp nope, running
bees, ssurt euqalp ruoy no gnikahs, tsud euqalp fissam broom,
left beaming your edyhedlamrof place htoob moorb fissam
gnul lake the in gnippots eussi sugar, gnul htaerb jerk
ry ekal licnep yr of issue stopping ragus nrocs htaerb rabbit
gnulc, krej peep
peep jerk ,clung s’tibbar breath scorn sugar gnippots
eussi for yr pencil lake yr krej breath lung ,ragus issue
stopping no eht ekal lung massif broom booth ecalp formaldehyde
ruoy gnimaeb tfel ,moorb massif plaque dust ,shaking in
your plaque truss ,seeb gninnur ,epon psar meter tsud place
,gift ssurt you running rasp your gnikahs shaking ruoy psar
gninnur uoy truss tfig, ecalp dust retem rasp nope, running
bees, ssurt euqalp ruoy no gnikahs, tsud euqalp fissam broom,
left beaming your edyhedlamrof place htoob moorb fissam
gnul lake the in gnippots eussi sugar, gnul htaerb jerk
ry ekal licnep yr of issue stopping ragus nrocs htaerb rabbit
gnulc, krej peep
meat psar rotom clouding in the tsew wet roof mist spilling
ffo ry trihs a glass roolf wavers motor shirt stsim yr foot
team ssalg .tesolc gnilworg ,laundry noitcevnoc ah gniniard
duolc !gleaming hsa ‘n nostril hsuh tar closet ,gunner
sgnah why toilet srewolf htiw ry efac a twinkled luggage
lwob eht srezod rumble eno kcolb away ekaf the rennug teliot
,egaggul lirtson rat you hang gnah uoy tar nostril luggage,
toilet gunner eht face yawa block one elbmur dozers the
bowl egeggul delkniwt a face yr with flowers teliot yhw
hangs rennug, tesolc rat hush lirtson n’ ash gnimaelg!
cloud draining ha convection yrdnual, growling closet. glass
meat toof fry mists trihs rotom srevaw floor ssalg a shirt
yr off gnillips tsim foot tew west eht ni gniduolc motor
rasp team
yr pusitronic shirt a cloud ailgnag grazing walf relwob
ffo deldnips tongue glue ,niahc ym hcuo ham ,ythgim flinch
eht gurd duolc trihs flaw yr bowler drug .“gnizarg”
.eulg tent o’ retov plod ,epiw ry tsalb off shrugging
tnet mailer “action” bubble ,elbbub “noitca”
reliam tent gniggurhs ffo blast yr wipe, dolp voter ‘o
tnet glue. “grazing”. gurd relwob ry walf shirt
cloud drug the hcnilf mighty, mah ouch my chain, eulg eugnot
spindled off bowler flaw gnizarg ganglia duolc a trihs cinortisup
anger noitanimal ,blundered gnipyt ta ry folded armpit omnivoid
deggurhs sgolf the portal )“hamper”( braid numbered
htiw ry htoot .dingy leaker drink ,elbat fo eh floor pail
portal typing in yr tipmra regna .cash my rebmun flog my
rekael cringed in each you knird .fog the goal you gnid
much ,“ding” .hcae gof ,laminate or ,plug the
heap paeh eht gulp, ro etanimal, fog each. “gnid”,
hcum ding uoy loag eht gof. drink uoy hcae ni degnirc leaker
ym golf number ym hsac. anger armpit ry no gnipyt latrop
liap roolf he of table, knird rekael ygnid. tooth yr with
derebmun diarb (“repmah”) latrop eht flogs shrugged
diovinmo tipmra dedlof yr at typing derednulb, lamination
Cricket In the Mirror Ocrim kcih Ircn Ickcri
With thanks to Blasickr Al Ackerman
buns ‘n lake night teliot gnihsur lash the towels
mice puddles paos eht sllaw cream glistens nwod yr cheek
ah cabbage inches !lace yr ecid rushing towels dniheb eht
snub ekal yr ecal hsub drying so age the slaw .twice bunny
habit dehguoc eht spoon pu stunk gun limber .wehc eht rebmun
numbick hick hickw. ickbmcril nuts hick oughickd cribah
ickcriw. ickh ickga gncriyd laick laick hick bickhcrind
slickwo gncrihsu dickick ickal! sickhncri ickgabba ickickh
snickscrilg maick hick sicklddup ickcrim slickwo ickh ushcring
ocrilick hgcrin ickal
nups bush ,cake trout ,bushed fog cake wallet muws gof elgnis
tod against the sky mah tellaw swum ym daeh graft tah mattered
yks ham cake “ham egac” folded ni the sky rettam
lingo crunched inside yr gge taorht eht number drinks .ognil
cage ,dedlof throat yr leg rebmun bright htiw egg ‘n
towels .slewot n’ gge with bright number gel ry taorht
folded, egac lingo. sknird rebmun the throat egg ry edisni
dehcnurc ognil matter yks eht in dedlof “cage mah”
ekac mah sky derettam hat tfarg head my muws wallet ham
yks eht tsniaga dot single fog swum tellaw ekac gof dehsub,
tuort ekac, hsub spun
“each” eating malc in yr eye hovers sa ti stuhs
trashed eh hcaeb blundered wind uoy erew eye clam shuts
yr hsart gnitae beach dniw tih em hcae em ,llits gnirevoh
against the sheet hit drifting in the wind dniw still “dedlof”
hat you gnawing cough it up ah teehs between yr hteet !wang
an whistle ,ping yr teeth hteet ry gnip, eltsihw na gnaw!
teeth ry neewteb sheet ha pu ti hguoc gniwang uoy tah “folded”
lilts wind dniw eht ni gnitfird tih teehs eht tsniaga hovering
still, me each me hit wind hcaeb eating trash ry stuhs malc
eye were you dniw derednulb beach he dehsart shuts it as
srevoh eye ry ni clam gnitae “hcae”
rim ham dug yr mleat root retfa gnob ecir yr spread dir
,cloud drunk lake ‘n thgil foor meat dripping sleep
mud ,faucet taews dna dnop you sweating in yr mleat rim
ekal ,knurd roof rising from the mud hash crime the speeding
list the gland pain crushed mist and coast tsaoc dna tsim
dehsurc niap dnalg eht tsil gnideeps eht emirc hsah dum
eht morf gnisir foor drunk, lake mir taelm ry ni gnitaews
uoy pond and sweat tecuaf, dum peels gnippird meat roof
light n’ ekal knurd duolc, rid daerps ry rice bong
after toor taelm ry gud mah mir
crim mlicka oo ickfa ickcri spickad dcri ,loud dun laick
hgcril foo micka dcrippcring slickickp ,fauick aickws swickacring
crin mlicka crim ickal ,nurd rcriscring hick crimick hick
spickickdcring lcri hick pacrin ushhickd mcri oas sao scrim
dickhsu ncriap ickh scril gncridickickps ickh ickmcri ickh
gncriscri, laick mcri aicklm ncri gncriaickws swicka ickuaf,
pickickls gncrippcrird micka lcrigh ickal nurd duol, crid
daickps crick afick aicklm mcri
-Translation of “Mir” into Cricket language,
following the method discovered by
Blaster Al Ackerman
fork ‘n remmah ,sprang goofy deredduhs in yr tub rinse
diap roofing lapse noitanimatnoc gnarps a fork ry but paid
,hammered louse rise ‘n grin ,“bong rice”
choking on a ladder esir :tcart noitcefni ,crowd gnikohc
,name yr urination maets yr tract dworc ha reveal nrub ry
bag !gab yr burn leaver ah crowd tcart ry steam niotaniru
ry eman, choking dworc, infection tract: rise reddal a no
gnikohc “ecir gnob”, nirg n’ esir esuol
deremmah, diap tub yr krof a sprang contamination espal
gnifoor pail esnir but yr ni shuddered yfoog gnarps, hammer
n’ krof
nick cluster duck gnippalf skrops before the window hovers
smouldered repmah erehw ry strohs esteem ha wodahs schlong
dropping !bee heaves ,the knalc shadow serons muddy nape
you derednuolf wollip seeming corn lovely nroc .woven in
the eaves .a moom examination of yr gnikeer pocket tekcop
reeking ry fo noitanimaxe moom a. sevae eht ni nevow. corn
ylevol nroc gnimees pillow floundered uoy epan yddum snores
wodahs clank eht, sevaeh eeb! gnipoord gnolhcs shadow ah
meetse shorts yr where hamper deredluoms srevoh wodniw eht
erofeb sporks flapping kcud retsulc kcin
shook my eugnot right tuo like ,rust grinning in the rekcor
slenap ym hctaw yr meal sweet hands luggage dekaos bmuht
nwang habit cave sweet with traf .yr age sweat yr yrd elbmum
complains yr gnibmulp rotcartnoc wipes her face .cloud yr
ice dlof eht hsub bush the fold eci ry duolc. ecaf reh sepiw
contractor plumbing ry snialpmoc mumble dry ry taews ega
ry. fart htiw teews evac tibah gnawn thumb soaked egaggul
sdnah teews leam ry watch my panels rocker eht ni gninnirg
tsur, ekil out thgir tongue ym koohs
grumbling ,beef ash ,tower drained htaeneb eht spring ,lush
heel gnikaos omzig like a tuna taolf towel degnulp ahead
the wol sllih across the tresed evord with only noomlight
.feeb gnirps leeh ,ha anut rewot filled with gizmo !chew
yr noom lewot yr grumbled floater in yr hctaw or leaf a
lwob or a hat .tah a ro bowl a fael ro watch ry ni retaolf
delbmurg yr towel moon ry wehc! omzig htiw dellif tower
tuna ah, heel spring beef. thgilmoon ylno htiw drove desert
eht ssorca hills low eht daeha plunged lewot float anut
a ekil gizmo soaking leeh hsul, gnirps the beneath deniard
rewot, hsa feeb, gnilbmurg