M attock
d rank the sock
chopper true yr seeps of
p lod linker puking on the p hone weasel c
hewing pock ets :the neck the dim e the len
der com plotted to re main a beetle p
licking in the leaves .lo w that cor ner ham
!test your floo d press ure with a mat tock
m s peed ,dun k p ear ,log pud dle sav
ored like a lun g col lapsing dinkweed sad dle
ntered s pare the c rime sole ,yr ton e of flap an f
eel an f ount an fin ger main to sp raw
ling yr count er s lop .so look the meal
eye ,a came ra wiping off the sal ad sp lints
C ouch
p a b read lag yr tim e ras per nou
gat trestled dimly fogged yr pen g rime
.truss entry ,the loaf text puzzled like a
,s pend yr c ouch run t fab led use
sen t an sucked an dub bed ah lobber h
ash !dee p lin t conf lated wip e yr ow wow
S pinner
p c lappers t hat you s pent w hipping
loomers chuddered in the lost soup caps of
leap tor n jumpers laying out heap h eap ,s
hit the tow er ,b rave the s pinners in yr
f o g gun .che w the as h g laze in t
he bowl’s gut as leep against the c hair l egg
G lance
ink true eh heels wh ite p ants y
ou gauged the gouge stee red spotty like yr
toe cuff caught ,b laze into the floo d yr
pore shirt ,g lance how l ,bee med a s hoe yr
cum ulus trance .pear l inside yr cheek yr
s hape lifter clotted doubt lushed against you, milk y
C age
meat ,spand lore ,bile towel shed a
cusp id trundle off the sp atter lake yr
sammich ringer c age co apsed ,s hocking
h eel s and d ng .t e reeking w ve ah
d ump g ush ,le king door !napsy sh dhow
of yr ste k face ,washed ,asleep ,aglow ,stinks
F ans
an seep an dumpk an k not an c himp an
c ease the jab er foaming true eh smo king j aw
log ,pie rabid as yr bouncing in the soup krill
.dust you weight an ,c hang go re ,d umbg s
creen ing s hades the cage o xtian tur ds an
mus le ekup !eh long fans crashing in the corners
chop ter c lapping f lat yr fone hunt
copt er ,labe yr tub e yond the s lap g
un p ail ,pi ling don ,b late s hut ,spake a
cor n bel t fencing in yr suit face you cum
ber moles .stunner cam ,lab rinse ,gase ous
floating a mong the roof s your hoppered limbs
L unge
mi st ammer ,com b yr s pot d ance
c lagging ,wizzle ,s pay yr top I c law
.see m see py ,tas te yr my foot hum
p dazz led ton gue lung e my bon g s nor e
drill my yr use nut can of fish g linting in
the pyre light .yr headache lab compacted
S toop
d rop
mea t ,dup mat an lip an loot an
lugs an lore fan drying all the st
ring bea ns in yr ha t yr stolen f
ace a way to co ,ordinate the stooplication
.had lent ,f ile dun g ,mat urd chaking
at the washup .rasp the way to clout and dum p
c hake
an s hot an c hop an c hump an
s hout an dip the locus type ,what your
shopping d rip your heap density can
laminated like a soon to be .c rumpled pto
main cloud your sample f lock a gust of
spin ,your finger figure .the wheel drool s pending
b lunt
nap an d ice m eat s lap an f
light or .cough me one ,s tippled ,soup you
screamed or ,s lag waking half a r ump pyre
tongue tween the b uns er gut ,my tiss
ue wad a bout to s wallow sent yr nop e
a way a head the s campers :yr hefta wich
S cram
c reep
him mel ,wasp you numb ered like a s
lug “ton gue” sod den win g lemur p honed my
lap pent s hut .to ward the nest all ways a
gut gust a s cram ya would ?heap icy an
a pon d mist wets the thor ax kinda c hilly
in t hem weeds a knife a lock a ash a peel
R ot
s hot
hopper ,g rape s nicker ,drug gage s table
shaking where the bul lot n amed my c oil an r ice
an d rip an b lucket meated .nored the s
laking was a hole rot filled in fog re mained
,boil me “one” ,nabber .g lota nids wet ,g loated
.bust ed choke an c hop an c heap an c hew an
S lug
t a way an guzz lead ead wit yr
trigger sky a c lownpour ,rocks an s melt fuzz
.tow er s lime ,a clue buzzed ropy face you
chimed a slug trench ,named the grease back
.ply yr s nares an breeze the ush ered inch
your s lack or pat h or p inch or p ants or p l
s lope the wave rs c lash yr s mite tr
wrench scaly wrist an wet h our you sp lashing
like a shad ow mi mano nómbrame .twist the nu
t off che w the th reads the comber free
to g ravel on oh s lopping s lipping s lapping sl
avered with yr boo k lice .“just keep it simpered”
Ra in
j ump
an shatt er go ink s lipping off the
c omb ra ge lid tab le ak yr sleep be
tween the legs the rain win dow tunnels s
lack yr text icle yr fla pper gunning in the toil
et “teet h” lumpy ,s can yr s horts ,why
c up b reathing off the edge steamy hole ,b lind
C latter
es ‘n n umb ‘n n ate ‘n n atter flocus
sugar st reeking dow n the w all a fun gus
tree your spelling c latter s pended up a
pud dle nex t the steps ,yr lung gr ass
‘n knobby one ,stave the smoulder grease
the cue stomach chaking in the long lunge smoker
C hop
c lutter st roke shaper of yr gun s
lack yr hop tumbrel )“tumba”( spavined w rit
yr s pun c hopping chop ping ace the sm ear .s
o c loaked or .eep eep hud dled d own yr ch
in a c loud d amper age you s toned it chy
s pooner g lut .l aid against the boreds ,the h eal
rust le s lack tent you c louded s tunning
soap f lakes w here yr b arking s log l aps
eve n slo coug hing e of m eat .ouch o uch
hub rusts .s pray my tow el com bo vino al
lomo tested where ,some running ,slacking ,typing
,bag the nuts .why yr s lop h alf simp ers
P lodded
lake ,b ride s pill ,nak ed yr p low g raft
highly one ,r azz the por que c hap nest led in
,yr cow s oak ,lazed against the mu d yr fac
ial n ame p lodded on .h old the b ack on e
,c ouch g utter .halfa nap or nun rinse ,fee
t you clouded with the m ilk :sleep s leep
S pender
e an c lump an c lip an cut e c rash
lung typist ,d rat tom e sliding gown the s
pill thunder ,sail my tow el b linked ,was h
your bee t spender ?list the toe main he
ad knife spreader ,awful “comb” burr t
railing in the mist guts gut s napping napping
bo focus ,pug lactation ,each yr itch an
c raw l sampling ,age of notification and a run
t .the s nore “crawl” was ,tapper phone ,i
ce lugnuts whining in the sun hash damply
moulded in the milk .yr psoriasis memorial wall
yr blat ant temple dripping with a nail
damp do nut dumper date of doubting
dat’s the one .or clue smelted like a
fish g lancer ,ape me one ah cloud !pi
le raptor ,the hole eating thing an south it
goes why folded .melt me in ,yr hog cash
,nabs the sticky plate from off yr face
s port
the pol e nut just bomb the c
lucker sat a sot night an s hat the f
lag .use c lump mat tock a head ,your
finger bit ch ,nooner in the c hump .sob the
fork pall an dimmer throat the smoke
fil e yr map h ash d rink yr s tinking foot
H alf
ch ump
c hump .rake caw ,tepid shirt loo
t ipping gas a haul a lack fac e l foc tre
bles on yr shoulder hom .brio tight ,f lag tow
el lombrio shudders half a c lotting .you’s a
nap kin h eel ,d rain el hori zonte s put
turd with a bomb .hal f the h all comp lies
hummer nest ,lab socker file ,try
spoo n dentation c laim yr s hot .ha ha w
,t ripe loop yr sot head dry s crammer ,s
tinking in the h am a c ript .should tune
should reap .but stun t shaker ,traipsing
hot the s ore gon g g ash s potty like
D oll
shutter ,tad somethink ,pile a tub
es run ting in the sun yr c rash c ash
s pore redicted .p ale ‘n cor n ,yr ice
run t run g .nine boils an aft ernoon
an enter hump you c ave or c rawl or c
rash a tender-sp lint .spo tty like a doll
lap se id taste yr k eel felt
ah dimster shadow squeaking in the daw n
!pork an mice yr phew g own shutting .d
rop an gri ,n paste ,bat s harp ,r oil yr
boulder rut like gust !why yr fog saint’s
all ,yr pule fen jaw a grappled like a
br ought
the fuzz dun g talking ,c humper
chum per ,bait the tow el .r aft m ile
,gashes “all” the boot hs s punky toil et
hereal ‘n b landered .try it ounce ,mail yr
foco dry a s team p age .really .suc
ked .dudded .pain t the sc our s hoot
yik e ,battered ,nozzle or ,p inch a
f loat same tube corneal detection lab a
spiel shoulder ,name yr cab le .stong st
rung gut meet ,dap the close t why’d you
guzzle ?napster foam ?roof of wets the
gristle ?too t sh rugging raw the ,bastards
p an duc k an d rip an deal the spra
ddle so pping s hoe meats .s mote a “pres
ident” or tur d sock .time of rinsing lost
,pululent and corpsic c racks all paged wit
h gasoline the babies b lazing in a tub .h
our to c hew the face off ,boil the booming legs
F ault
s lab
fun nel an s peak shurt an g rip ten
t re lapsed an pro ,“regressive” den t in sid
e yr skrull foot .heap yr s hort fall yr
b one seal c rushing sal lad in yr hat .why
hushing when the sleave rents why s leap a
gainst the roar the p lunging h am the hal f h alt
M oco
c reep
an dead d ice an p hone mou se an
nos tril flailing at the screens dug out the
w all neck .the bird lin t ,din t of ,cho
king at the rice tu moco .llama lleva ,in
clandescente ,moping ,rugged ,layered with a year a
year a y ear .breathing thicked with grease
I was
mob bed an mutt ered ,meat an middled
,mort ared in the shallow ,c rust k notted ,lies
a dim mer which .pee l my sub con traction
,shoot ‘em all .sp rung my trous ers an diply
too ,a cage drummer tunneled with the ra
t god smirking on the steps .just fry it ,st inking
F lacker
h and g limmer f lack heap danced slock
test d rubbing s treet lint ,the cow ch fog
t railing pas t yr r ear an lug gage .d
roop a g rip ,mort or f lacker s avored p
lea in haled an doubled like a s tart ar
souse yr pants .rubber r eaching ,ran dom s lobbing
L adder
speed ,dry peel spender ,ape yr hole c
lick seep ,pry sammich from my glands’ whis
tled glistens ache the tape f lapping in the lake
,haw an crawl ,dung ladder ,shake the speeders
tomb c loud ran dom e mission t raced yr
sink s lump hopping cor n an g leam ,yr stitch
Sh adow
lung cat c lock ,dipper throat ,yr pen
cil boom misted taint yr flogger sand is
olated in the c half c limbed dust trenza
s poiled yr needle sog dance .fee t the
focus d renched ,bit e ntrada ef fluent chose
yr long caw dappled in the surf an shad ow
So up
bent ,the caw log ,pil e of dam p an
dog an dip an d ope an doo r p lunging g
rammer in the leg soup ah dipper heel !pay
me one an nip ple asant top of sing u
lair yr index shaking ,loomer dong ,c rash
ed lock et mouche :b rag the dawn’s c hunk mist
tube uh he tap pa t c hops eh
c loner fil e p lodded ring riñones yap
pak so hah “Why” soup er shallow ?temp
id f laking uh d eep s lowing b ack your
.log gush ,pock sent ,c hub nest yr fin ger
main bloods an meets an mutes an merts
F older
sp read ,spap moult ,c lang seddled
troup rope uh rot uh rote uh nap kin .tub
shitter )“merdre”( folder clapped an d wrenched
yr caul an teef :fed flot flabbed so
s pored you clabbered musty st ring .uh he
ave .uh nape .uh gasping at the toil et
n d ink n dol t n d ap d ate my u
ser be ad my sh apeless t raining at the s
tool .gauged my for k mist bed ,tail ed
the corn lake pillowed in my eye the th
ought breeze gus hing e gressed the cor e
dog .so I gustled ,taped my tongue against yr cheek
the c raft hip the s poon numb er ga
zing p last the chow der mititus ,w hat was h f
loating in the loot the suit .test me one yr
s tickle foam congrabulation ,f loor the p each
b ill the shut tered shabu lation of yr b eard
a c lung .dot’s the leg mode ,d ripping of f yr chi